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My name is Liz Truax and this is my Thrive Experience.

It's crazy to realize it's been 4 Years since I started my Thrive Journey. 4 years of getting up every morning to take my three steps to all-day energy, focus, motivation and just plain feel good!

I was the typical tired of being tired. My daughter had been trying for 18 months to get me to Thrive. 18 months! I'm a horse trainer, serious competitor, coach, breeder, and just horse crazy person. My days start early and end late. I had been to 7 horse shows in 9 weeks with 3 horses and I was tired!! Finally, I said yes and have never looked back.

I was not a day 1 Thriver, I was not a day 3 or day 10 Thriver. I was 3 weeks into my experience before I realized the amazing transformation in my days. I attended a World Championship Show with 3 horses. I won my first World Championship, a reserve World Championship and placed top ten with all three horses! I had never been able to accomplish this much before.

Looking back, I realized how much easier my days were. How more focused I was with the challenge of showing three different horses. And I was happy doing it, not the exhausted, are we done yet person I used to be.

Since then, I have won several more world titles and compete successfully on a high level with more focus, clarity, and fun than I ever thought possible. Success in the show pen is a true testament of your training program. I put long days in every day and no longer struggle with an afternoon crash. I am more patient and focused. I rarely drink sodas anymore. Water is my go-to drink and amazingly I don’t crave sweets like I used to.

There are no words to describe how much better it feels to have all the energy you need for long days training horses. To have more patience and just be happier while working your tail off! Thrive has truly helped me become a better version of myself.

Who knew 3 simple steps first thing in the morning could change your life!

Thriver for life!

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