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What is

The Plan?

Linda’s plan features (2 pills and a lifestyle shake filled with natural vitamins and minerals as well as a DFT-wearable nutrition) This plan also includes 2 weeks of easy-to-make recipes for 3 meals a day and a healthy snack, all designed especially to help you kick start your life with more energy, lose weight, and get hold of your health, starting today! Lets Get started now!

My Story


2 1/2  years ago I knew I had to make some signification changes in my life so I would have better health.


I had gone through severe depression after almost losing my son to a automobile accident and seeing my husband go through major health problems which lead to a triple by-pass. Because of this I gained a lot weight and lost all my energy,


After looking in the mirror one day and telling myself enough, I made lifestyle changes and fast. The next day I found myself in a gym and planning daily thought out meals for losing weight and controlling my husband diabetes,


I starting taking healthy natural supplements and gave up coffee, coke zero and my afternoon energy drinks.


I knew that I loved where my life went and wanted to share my experience with others.  I want to help them get the same happiness I had found.

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